Our Services

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Centrelink Agent.

Centrelink Support Workers are available to assist you in accessing Centrelink services and payments. We also have Centrelink phones, computers and fax machines free of charge for Centrelink business.

The Centrelink Support Workers can also assist with the completion of forms and certifying identification.


Community Connect.

Community Connect is a program that aims to provide assistance and support for vulnerable families and individuals in our community, who are trying to deal with multiple or complex issues.

The Community Connect Worker is an experienced worker who is often the first point of contact, and able to refer to more intensive support as required. This early intervention with a wraparound approach can lead to better outcomes and future self-sufficiency for individuals and families.


Youth Connect.

The Youth Connect Officer provides support and information, advocates for young people, and refers to appropriate services.


Emergency Relief.

Emergency relief is able to assist people with their immediate crisis situation by providing financial and material assistance such as food parcels, clothing or vouchers.